Allison Sheridan on MacVoices Road to Macstock
Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock! In this fourth installment of The Road to Macstock 2017 Chuck talks Wunderlist with NosillaCast’s Allison Sheridan!
Allison Sheridan talks about her presentation on Wunderlist on The Road to Macstock. There are lots of to-do utilities out there; Allison talks about the characteristics of those programs, the different types of uses for them, and why it can make a huge difference in your productivity to select the right one. She explains the key features of Wunderlist that make it essential, and why it isn’t the only solution she uses. How she will demonstrate it to the Macstock audience, how the prefers to migrate between Macs and more are all covered in the discussion.
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