Developing Writing Workflows on The Road to Macstock

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock!

Our next stop on The Road to Macstock is a conversation with Brett Terpstra, to talk about how to be a more productive writer. Brett not only creates tools for various types of writing, but also delivers a ton of content himself. His session will cover both the tools that are available as well as how to approach your project, from original idea to published piece, and all points in between.


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Road to Macstock Turns the Spotlight on Brett Terpstra

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock! In this installment of The Road to Macstock 2017 Chuck chats with Brett Terpstra about tagging, spotlight, and bees!

On the Road to Macstock, Brett Terpstra gives us a preview of his session, “Harnessing the Power of Spotlight on Your Mac”. Too many of us take Spotlight for granted, and Brett wants to change that by making us aware of everything Spotlight can do and how easy it is to access its many capabilities. He talks about how he uses Spotlight and some of its advanced features in managing his personal productivity, but assures us his Macstock session cover tips and tricks that anyone can, and should, use.


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Macstock on!

Macstock received a great write-up at this week that perfectly encapsulates why we decided to launch Barry’s Midwest Mac BBQ and Macstock last year.

Brett writes:

I always loved attending Macworld, and almost entirely because of the people I’d meet and friends I’d see. Until yesterday, I thought the days we could all get together for some Mac love with a ton of my favorite Mac people were over.

Macstock is very much focused on what makes Apple products great: it’s users and that communal spirit folks traveled to Macworld each year to experience.

But we’re also focused on education. And with an expanded line-up of speakers this year, we’ve more than doubled the number of sessions covering topics as diverse as STEM (Science and Technology in Education), to getting the most from apps like OmniFocus and Preview, to more advanced topics like Macs in the Enterprise.

It’s really going to be a fantastic weekend for Apple fans and I hope everyone can make it. As Brett says, “the more the merrier”!

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