Macstock IX is Coming. Save the Dates!

Stylized Classic Macintosh with the Macstock Peace, Love, Mac logo comsisting of peace sign, heart, and classic Macintosh on the display. Under the Macstock logo is written Macstock 9 followed by July 11, 12, 13 2025.Hey, I figure if Halloween season can begin in August and I’m STILL receiving BFCM emails nearly a month after that one day “holiday”, then I can certainly SHARE my wishes with everyone for a very happy and prosperous 2025 in mid-December!

Yeah, wow, the gears of time are turning quickly and I can’t believe this year is coming to a close (where did November go?!?), but after the biggest Macstock ever — and the beginning of our 10 Years of Macstock Celebration — I’m more than excited to SHARE with you throughout the weeks ahead what’s heading your way at Macstock 9 in July!

Wait…July? Do I know something that you don’t? Oh, right! The dates! Yes! This is the Save the Date newsletter! And with so much going on in everyone’s lives during the winter holidays, I promise to keep this newsletter short and only SHARE what you need to know right now. In fact, it’s quite possible this will be the shortest Macstock newsletter ever!

Yes, folks are already asking about next year (if I’m being honest, the first “asks” were AT Macstock 8), and I know the dates are super important for those of you looking to make your vacation travel plans for attending Macstock 9 next summer, so I’m happy to SHARE that we’ll be back again with 3 Days of Macstock on July 11, 12, and 13th, 2025.

And where will it be held? The same awesome place as last year: The Elara Convention Center at the Holiday Inn Crystal Lake. One place to stay and one place to SHARE a weekend of engaging, productivity-enhancing talks while networking with the amazing community at Macstock.

Now, there is still a TON of work ahead of me in the weeks ahead like tearing down the Macstock 8 website and updating it for Macstock 9, so please bear with me if the information seems a little … err … outdated at the moment. But, rest-assured, Macstock 9 is coming, and now that I’ve SHARED the dates, you know WHEN.

If only I could think of a theme. <grin>

So What’s Next?

  • Call for Presenters! Have an idea for a talk? I’m looking to switch things up a bit in 2025, but still making sure my ideas will work with the weekend’s 3-day schedule. Stay tuned and watch this space for the official announcement to submit your talk!
  • Weekend Passes will go on sale in early 2025.
  • Hotel Room Reservations will open along with Weekend Pass sales. To make sure you get the best rates, please don’t call the hotel or look to book your room until the discounted room block is announced.

Wishing you and yours all the best for the holiday season. See you at Macstock 9!
