OWC Radio #40 Talks Macstock with Mike

owc_radio_album_artThanks to Tim Robertson for having me on!

A full show this episode as OWC Radio host Tim Robertson has two guest. First up is Mike Potter to talk about the upcoming Macstock Conference and Expo happening on June 20th, 2015. OWC is a sponsor of Macstock, and will recording an OWC Radio from the show! On the second half of this episode we talk to James Gregson about Gregson Studios, his family history in business, and of course the dreaded Three Random Questions!

source: http://blog.macsales.com/30425-owc-radio-40-james-gregson-and-macstock

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MyMac Podcast #556 Features Macstock 2015!

MyMac.com podcastThanks to Guy & Gaz for devoting more of their show to Macstock!

Because we haven’t talked about it enough, Gaz and Guy devote the entire second section of the show to the Macstock Conference and Expo which is taking place on June 20th in Woodstock, Illinois. This is followed by them also talking about the Midwest Mac BBQ taking place on the same day. They MUST be sick or something. Hang on a moment…they were! However in a moment of lucidity, they’ve included a great recording of Gaz’s daughter Sarah singing at the end of the show.

source: http://www.mymac.com/2015/05/mymac-podcast-556-macstock-2015/

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MacVoices Features Macstock and MWMacBBQ!

MacVoicesMacstock 2015 featured on MacVoices #15117!

Barry Fulk, the host of the Midwest Mac BBQ, and Mike Potter, the organizer behind the MacStock Conference & Expo, both in Chicago, talk about the genesis of their events, why they decided to combine them, and what you can expect to see, hear and eat when you attend.

source: http://www.macvoices.com/macvoices-15117-barry-fulk-and-mike-potter-on-the-midwest-mac-bbq-and-macstock-conference-expo/

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Macstock on MyMac Podcast 554

MyMac.com podcastMike joins Guy and Gaz of the MyMac Podcast to talk Macstock 2015!

Gaz and Guy are back this week with special guest Mike Potter of the For Mac Eyes Only Podcast. They’re all about the upcoming Macstock Conference and Expo on June 20th in Woodstock, Illinois. Guy has a presentation scheduled and for the first time ever, Gaz and Guy will meet and do a podcast from the conference!

source: http://www.mymac.com/2015/04/mymac-podcast-554-big-news/

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