Macstock’s Workshops

Macstock’s Workshop Leaders

Allison Sheridan

Allison Sheridan

Mike Schmitz

Mike Schmitz

Marty Jencius

Marty Jencius

Mike Potter

Mike Potter

Friday Workshops

Select the Weekend Pass+Workshops for four 90-minute, in-depth, interactive, learning sessions at Macstock VIII!

Macstock’s Workshops will be held on Friday, July 12, 2024.

Please Note that, while current at the time of posting, the Dates, Times, and Final Schedule/Topics listed below are subject to change or cancellation.

Friday, July 12, 2024, 9:00am – 10:30am

Unlock the Hidden Magic of Your Mac: Mac Tiny Tips Workshop

Allison Sheridan

Allison’s Mac Tiny Tips Workshop is an interactive session designed for Mac enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned Mac veteran, a recent switcher from the Windows realm, or simply eager to expand your Mac knowledge, this workshop promises something valuable for everyone.

Join Allison Sheridan as she delves into her extensive toolkit of Mac tips, tricks, and techniques designed to encourage attendees to Level UP their Mac-using experience in new and exciting ways. But wait, there’s more! Bring your Mac and play along in real-time to unlock its full potential. Plus, don’t miss the opportunity to contribute your own insights and discoveries because even after 40 years of Mac exploration, Allison knows there’s always more to learn and share.

About Allison

Allison started podcasting in May of 2005, just 7 months after podcasting was invented, and her flagship show, the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, has come out every week without missing an episode. That’s over 19 years straight! As of Macstock 2024, she has created 1000 episodes of a solo show. In the NosillaCast, she focuses on reviewing tech products with an EVER so slight Apple bias, while weaving accessibility throughout her content.

She also co-hosts the podcast Programming By Stealth where Bart Busschots is teaching the audience to program through an audio podcast (with Bart’s tutorial shownotes). Bart and Allison also hosted the podcast Taming the Terminal which is a 40-episode guide to the macOS Terminal which you can also get as an ebook through Apple Books.

She’s a frequent guest on Daily Tech News Show, Clockwise, and the SMR Podcast, with appearances on MacBreak Weekly, Cordkillers, Tech’s Message, and The Productive Woman Podcast. She is also a video screencast tutor for the subscription service ScreenCastsONLINE.

She and her husband Steve produce video interviews from trade shows such as CES and CSUN’s Assistive Tech conference.

She’s an avid exerciser walking around 7 miles a day and enjoys time with their dog Tesla, and two cats Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper. This is what happens when two engineers marry.

Friday, July 12, 2024, 11:00am – 12:30pm

Discovering Your Ideal Journaling Workflow: A Path to Personal Growth

Mike Schmitz

Led by productivity expert Mike Schmitz, this workshop offers a hands-on exploration of various journaling methods and applications, guiding participants towards discovering the perfect fit for their unique needs and goals.

In this interactive workshop, attendees will:

  • Embark on a journey of experimentation with diverse journaling mediums and formats to find the one that fits best.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the psychological benefits associated with different types of journaling, enabling attendees to craft their own journaling workflow.
  • Explore a rich array of reflection prompts carefully curated to stimulate introspection and foster clarity, with the option to select from pre-existing prompts or receive Mike’s assistance in writing their own.

With Mike’s expertise and supportive guidance, participants will emerge equipped with the insights and tools necessary to embark on a fulfilling journaling practice conducive to self-discovery and personal development.

About Mike
Mike Schmitz is a nerd and an independent creator who talks about the intersection of faith, productivity, and tech He’s a YouTuber, screencaster (ScreenCastsOnline), writer (The Sweet Setup), and co-hosts the Focused, Bookworm, and Intentional Family podcasts.

Friday, July 12, 2024, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Leveling Up AI for Peak Productivity

Dr. Marty Jencius

“Leveling Up AI for Peak Productivity” is a hands-on workshop designed for Apple users, including tech writers, podcasters, trainers, and hobbyists, who aim to integrate AI into their workflows for enhanced productivity. The session will cover AI applications in drafting recommendations, group strategy planning, and training outline creation, utilizing tools like ChatGPT, Elicit, iA Presenter, Gemini, and more. With the potential debut of Apple’s AI platform in iOS 18, participants will get a preview of AI’s future in the Apple ecosystem. Attendees should bring laptops, though tablets and phones are also suitable.

The workshop offers a balanced mix of demonstrations and practical activities, enabling participants to apply AI tools directly to content creation and project management tasks. This setup ensures attendees can immediately implement AI solutions in their workflows, boosting productivity.

The session will wrap up with an overview of Apple’s AI developments, promising to update the workshop content with the latest information. This ensures attendees leave well-informed about AI advancements within Apple’s ecosystem, ready to apply these insights to their professional endeavors.

About Marty
Dr. Marty Jencius has been an Associate Professor of Counseling at Kent State University since 2000. He has over 120 publications in books, chapters, journal articles, and others, along with 200 podcasts related to counseling, counselor education, and faculty life. His technology interest led him to develop the counseling profession ‘firsts,’ including listservs, a web-based peer-reviewed journal, The Journal of Technology in Counseling, teaching and conferencing in virtual worlds as the founder of Counselor Education in Second Life, and podcast founder/producer of and

Currently, he produces a podcast about counseling and life questions, the Circular Firing Squad, and digital video interviews with legacies capturing the history of the counseling field. Generally, Marty is chasing the newest tech trends, which explains his interest in A.I. for teaching, research, and productivity. Marty is an active presenter and past president of the NorthEast Ohio Apple Corp (NEOAC).

Friday, July 12, 2024, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Level UP Your Production: Getting Started with Ecamm Live

Mike Potter

Ecamm Live isn’t just for live streaming! In this introductory, hands on, workshop, you’ll learn how Ecamm Live can help Level UP your videos and podcasts, improve Zoom calls and meetings, and stream your content live to multiple channels, helping you engage with your audience in entirely new ways!

Join Mike on a journey through the basics of getting started with Ecamm Live, from initial set up to mastering its core features. Along the way, we’ll explore the power of profiles, learn the art of crafting scenes, set up destinations for broadcasting to multiple destinations, leverage overlays to enhance your scenes, seamlessly integrate Keynote presentations, and discover how to incorporate widgets for dynamic content from outside sources. Throughout the session, Mike will share time-saving tips that he’s picked up along the way.

Whether you’re a business professional, dedicated educator, a seasoned content creator, or even a passionate dabbler looking to create their first live stream, this workshop will unlock the potential of Ecamm Live for taking your online presence to the next level.

About Mike

Mike Potter began his love-affair with Apple in his Junior High School Library playing Lemonade Stand and “Star Trek” on a pair of brand new Apple ][+ computers. After launching his first podcast in 2005, Mike created a second podcast for the Apple Community in 2006 called, For Mac Eyes Only. In the 18 years since episode 0 rolled off his microphone, Mike has released over 430 episodes of For Mac Eyes Only and more than 135 Quick Tips and other Special Segments. 

In 2015, Mike launched Macstock, an Apple-focused conference geared toward end-users of all experience levels. Each year, Macstock plays host to presenters and attendees from around the world including long-time users, students, retirees, professional developers, business owners, and even those who are new to Apple’s products! Macstock’s specific focus on the end-user makes it a unique event within the independent Apple conference community. Celebrating the start of its 10th Anniversary in 2024, Macstock continues to provide an environment for Apple enthusiasts looking to Learn from industry experts, Connect with peers, and Level UP their productivity!