I’m thrilled to announce that Ecamm will be back and partnering with Macstock again this summer at Macstock IX!

Ecamm Network logo. Orange logomark with lowercase e surrounded by an orange circle border. To the right is the Ecamm name in black lowercase lettersShowcasing their flagship product, Ecamm Live, our friends at Ecamm will be at Macstock all weekend long showing off the latest ways to live stream, record, and present! Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced presenter or streamer, you’ll be able to join Ecamm in their dedicated Demo Room throughout the weekend to experience, hands-on, the latest updates to Ecamm Live, learn new ways to improve your presence on Zoom, YouTube, Twitch, or … even the classroom or office! Heck, you can even pick their brains with your questions about cameras & microphone technology too.

Did I mention they’ll be giving a special 90 minute workshop too? Stay tuned for more details as we get closer!

I’m a long-time Ecamm Live user myself — going back at least 8 years now. Since it’s made for the Mac (and only the Mac), it’s easy to pick up and works exactly as you’d expect a Mac app to work. Even if you’ve never clicked “go live” before, you may be surprised at the flexibility built directly into Ecamm Live. Not only do I use it to produce my audio show (yes, audio show!), but many of you already know that since Macstock 7, all the video production for Macstock Weekend, including the Digital Pass, is produced with Ecamm Live. As an added bonus, I no longer need a stand-alone Zoom client installed on my Mac because that’s also now built into Ecamm Live.

Ecamm has a fantastic community of supportive users making them a perfect fit for Macstock and our own amazing family of Mac users. If you’d like to learn more about Ecamm and Ecamm Live or download the demo prior to Macstock, please visit https://ecamm.com/