by Mike | Jul 1, 2017 | Road to Macstock 2017
Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock! In this installment of The Road to Macstock 2017 Chuck speaks with Macstock presenter Kirschen Seah about Automator and how it can help you easily solve every day problems on the Mac.
The Road to Macstock is almost at an end, but not before Kirschen Seah of Free Range Coder tells us how she will be getting us excited about Apple’s Automator in both a main stage presentation, as well as a Deeper Dive session. Kirschen provides some examples of what Automator can do, and why you don’t have to know a single line of code to start automating your own activities.
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by Mike | Apr 20, 2017 | Macstock TV
Ever had to repeat a sequence of steps over and over again to accomplish something on your Mac? Bundled within OS X is Automator your friendly task…automator! At Macstock Conference 2016 Kirschen will look at problems Automator can solve at the actions that come bundled with Automator and she’ll build a sequence of actions using Automator’s simple drag and drop interface.
by Mike | Jun 17, 2016 | Macstock In The News, Road to Macstock 2016
The Road to Macstock delivers us to Kirschen Seah in this next installment of The Road to Macstock on Chuck Joiner’s MacVoices Podcast!
The Road to Macstock rolls on with Kirschen Seah of Free Range Coder, who will deliver several sessions at the conference. Kirschen will address methods to automate your Mac, and how to use your iPhone and Apple Watch to pursue your fitness goals. With us, she discusses the non-fitness ways she uses her Apple Watch, and talks about developing her own, very specialized, iOS bicycle maintenance application.
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