Macstock on!

Macstock received a great write-up at this week that perfectly encapsulates why we decided to launch Barry’s Midwest Mac BBQ and Macstock last year.

Brett writes:

I always loved attending Macworld, and almost entirely because of the people I’d meet and friends I’d see. Until yesterday, I thought the days we could all get together for some Mac love with a ton of my favorite Mac people were over.

Macstock is very much focused on what makes Apple products great: it’s users and that communal spirit folks traveled to Macworld each year to experience.

But we’re also focused on education. And with an expanded line-up of speakers this year, we’ve more than doubled the number of sessions covering topics as diverse as STEM (Science and Technology in Education), to getting the most from apps like OmniFocus and Preview, to more advanced topics like Macs in the Enterprise.

It’s really going to be a fantastic weekend for Apple fans and I hope everyone can make it. As Brett says, “the more the merrier”!

To read the full article, please visit:

Macstock Makes List of Annual Apple Conferences at TidBITS

Macstock makes TidBITS’ list of 31 Conferences for Mac and iOS Professionals in 2016!

Thanks to Adam and Josh for including us in this year’s line-up!

If, like so many others, you find yourself missing the “community” of Macworld, don’t forget there are plenty of independent conferences like Macstock to choose from out there.

This year’s Macstock will be held July 16 & 17 and registration is now open, so be sure to purchase your tickets today!

To view the entire list of Apple-related conferences headed your way in 2016, please visit:

Tom Piper: The Apple User Group Community

In this short presentation from Macstock Conference & Expo 2015, Tom Piper, vendor liaison for the Apple User Group Advisory Board, explains the value of Apple User Groups, some of the challenges facing them, and the importance of User Groups to the Apple community as a whole.