CCATP #529 – Mike Potter on Macstock Conference and Expo

Thanks to Allison Sheridan of the Podfeet Podcasts for having me on Chit Chat Across the Pond to talk about all the cool new things heading your way at Macstock 2018!

I asked Mike Potter to join us on Chit Chat Across the Pond this week with the express purpose of trying to convince you to come to Macstock Conference and Expo on July 20th and 21st. Do not listen to this episode if you don’t want to be talked into it because I guarantee you’ll want to after hearing Mike and me talk about how interesting and fun and inclusive and geeky it is.

Macstock Expo is a fantastic opportunity to watch tech talks by great speakers, and to hang out with regular people who love the same technologies you do. If you think you’re too young, Ian’s son came last year and I think he’s around 12 years old. If you think you live too far away from Chicago where the conference is held, Martijn comes in all the way from the Netherlands!


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Macstock 2018 and a Film About a Little Green Computer…

Macstock 2018 and a Film About a Little Green Computer…

I’m super stoked to let you guys in on the third new addition to the schedule this year, and it comes to us courtesy of Macstock speaker, Wally Cherwinski who introduced me to a Canadian filmmaker named Noah Leon and his super talented production team who are putting the final touches on a brand new documentary about “a little green computer and the people who love it”: Apple Computer’s Newton!


Meet Macstock 2018’s Keynote Speaker

Meet Macstock 2018’s Keynote Speaker

We’ve got a couple really cool new things in store for you at Macstock 2018!

With a theme centered around Productivity in 2018, one of those new additions I’m excited to share with you is that for the first time, Macstock will have a featured Keynote Speaker! And this year’s keynote presenter is Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus!

Often referred to as “Dr. Mac,” Bob is a leading authority on the Macintosh, Mac OS X / macOS, and other Apple products such as the iPad and iPhone. One of the Apple community’s most trusted gurus for over twenty-five years, he’s known for his trademark humorous style and unerring ability to translate “techie” jargon into usable and fun advice for regular folks.

Macstock Road Trip: Other World Computing

Join Mike on this Macstock Road Trip to Other World Computing’s corporate headquarters in Woodstock, IL where he speaks with OWC’s president, Jennifer Soulé, about their environmental initiatives including how they harness the power of wind, solar, and geothermal energies to allow their corporate headquarters and other locations to operate in an environmentally sustainable way.

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Automating the Road to Macstock with Kirschen Seah

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock! In this installment of The Road to Macstock 2017 Chuck speaks with Macstock presenter Kirschen Seah about Automator and how it can help you easily solve every day problems on the Mac.

The Road to Macstock is almost at an end, but not before Kirschen Seah of Free Range Coder tells us how she will be getting us excited about Apple’s Automator in both a main stage presentation, as well as a Deeper Dive session. Kirschen provides some examples of what Automator can do, and why you don’t have to know a single line of code to start automating your own activities.


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