Robert Carter – Built-in Accessibility: A Paradigm Shift

Apple is the first major technology company to provide built-in accessibility for its entire product line. The fact that the accessibility is built-in means there is no additional cost for the customer. It also means that a blind Mac owner can independently install the operating system from scratch because accessibility is part of the OS X operating system and not bolted on after the fact.

Adam Christianson: Steam Powered Apple

We live in an amazing time when access to technology is almost endless. Your Mac and iOS devices are awesome, but how can you use them to learn a new skill or craft? Better yet, how can you use them to teach a whole new generation? At Macstock Conference 2016, Adam explores techniques you can use to teach and learn new skills in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

Chuck Joiner: I Live in the Future. Do You?

There have been lots of jokes and sayings about living in the future. Well, we do. Is it what we hoped for? What are we doing with it? At Macstock Conference 2016, Chuck will remind you just how cool it is to be where we are now, what we can do with it, and what we can look forward to.

Productivity Tomorrow’s 5 Reasons to Attend Macstock 2016

A great write-up on Macstock 2015 and a preview of Macstock 2016 and Barry’s Midwest Mac BBQ can be found in Productivity Tomorrow’s 5 Reasons Why YOU Should Attend Macstock 2016!

Bobby writes:

Having never participated in an event like this before, we honestly didn’t know quite what to expect. What we found though was a wonderful community of people, joined by their love of Apple devices and learning more about them. We met so many wonderful people and had such a great time, deciding to purchase our tickets for this year’s event was a no brainer.

Macstock 2016 is shaping up to be even bigger and better than last year with 2 full days of sessions! Below are 5 reasons why you should come and get out out of the house to meet your fellow Apple afficiandos (sic) in July.

To read the full article and check out Bobby’s (@cyberbobcity) 5 reasons to come to Macstock this year, please visit: