Finding that Creative Spark On The Road to Macstock

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock!

Mike Schmitz is our next conversation on The Road to Macstock. This year, Mike will be helping you get that book that is inside you out in a discussion of Ulysses and why it is better than so many of the options that you first might think about using. Mike talks about the value of “showing up” to get things done, how to find your most productive time, and more.


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Mike Schmitz: Reclaiming Your Life with OmniFocus

Everyone can use help managing their projects and OmniFocus is a great tool to do that! At Macstock Conference 2016 Mike gives a brief overview of the problems OmniFocus can solve and why you might want to consider using it. With professional experience teaching OmniFocus Mike will demonstrate that while OmniFocus is a very powerful Mac app with a somewhat steep learning curve it’s really not bad with a little targeted help!

Road to Macstock Rolls On with Mike Schmitz

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock! In this installment of The Road to Macstock 2017 Chuck speaks with returning Macstock presenter, Mike Schmitz!

Mike Schmitz provides a preview of his “Using Your Mac to Escape Your Email” session in our latest Road to Macstock session. Mike gives us a few hints on how to better control our email using features and components of the Mac OS itself. All email programs are not created equal, especially in light of some of Mike’s tips. Find how how your choice of client may impact your ability to get organized and make email work for you, and what else Mike is going to show us in his session.


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Mike Schmitz Joins Chuck Joiner on The Road to Macstock in MacVoices #16125

Chuck Joiner sits down with Macstock presenter, Mike Schmitz in this third installment of The Road to Macstock on MacVoices!

On The Road to Macstock, we talk getting things accomplished with Mike Schmitz. Mike will give us an introduction to his favorite productivity app at the conference, and teases with some of his thinking on how to get organized for both production and just plain sanity. He also talks about some of the notes apps that he uses, and why it is acceptable to use several, as long as they make sense for your objectives.


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