Bringing Context to the Road to Macstock with Bryan Chaffin

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock! In this installment of The Road to Macstock 2017 Chuck chats with Macstock presenter Bryan Chaffin about Apple’s future projects and what it might mean for its users.

On the  Road to Macstock, Bryan Chaffin of The Mac Observer gives us a taste of the kind of timely analysis of events that he will deliver to the audience in Woodstock IL in July. This time, Bryan provides his thoughts on Project Titan, Apple’s automotive project, and what Tim Cook’s comments really mean. Bryan has a reputation for strong opinions, and this conversation is no exception.


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TMO Daily Observations Hosts Macstock

tmo_dailyobservations_1400pxThanks to Jeff Gamet for having Barry and me on TMO Daily Observations Podcast to discuss Macstock and the Midwest Mac BBQ! Really appreciate the focus this week on boutique conferences and what we can offer to the Apple Community!

Apple conferences are about more than traveling to a different city to learn something new. Today Mike Potter from Mac Stock and Barry Fulk from the Midwest Mac BBQ join Jeff Gamet to talk about the community experience we get from conferences and why that makes smaller events more appealing to some attendees.

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