Macstock Speaker Update!
Oh sure, we thought the speaker lineup was complete, but Macstock 2016’s speaker lineup has been officially upped by 1!
And that “1” is Mr. Tom Piper, vendor liaison for the Apple User Group Advisory Board. Tom had originally been scheduled to give a “brief” on Apple User Groups as he did at Macstock 2015, but as Macstock is very much a community-driven event, it’s only appropriate to give Tom a full speaking slot at this year’s conference, so I’ve made a couple small schedule changes to help make that happen!
Tom will be joining all the other awesome speakers headed your way at Macstock this year including returning speakers from Macstock 2015, Allison Sheridan, Chuck Joiner, Guy Serle, Julie Kuehl, Dave Ginsburg and Tim Robertson as well as many names new to Macstock’s stage, but almost certainly not new to you including Victor Cajiao, Dr. Robert Carter, Wally Cherwinski, Adam Christianson, Melissa Davis, Allison Hartley, Matt Hillyer, Don McAllister, Mike Schmitz, Kirschen Seah, and Jodi Spangler!
So that means we’re up to 18 speakers — and Macstock 2016 is the only place to hear them all!
Be sure to check out the talks scheduled so far to see what we have planned for you at Macstock 2016.
Hope everyone can make it!