Mesh Networking on the Road to Macstock with Dave Hamilton

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock! In this installment of The Road to Macstock 2017 Chuck and two-time Macstock presenter Dave Hamilton discuss mesh networking and bringing ubiquitous WiFi to your home or office.

The Road to Macstock starts to close down as the event itself draws near, but we aren’t done yet. This time, Dave Hamilton of The Mac Observer and Mac Geek Gab gives us a preview of some of the information he will be delivering when he takes the stage to discuss mesh network routers. Dave talks about the problems mesh routers solve, some of the features you need to be aware of, and when it is appropriate to jump on the mesh network bandwagon.


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Dave Hamilton: How to Give and Receive Tech Support – The Human Angle

We all either give or receive tech support (or both) as a matter of course in our daily lives. During these interactions it’s easy to lose the human element. In Dave Hamilton’s thirty-plus years of both giving and receiving tech support he’s learned a few things about how those interactions can be good… or bad. At Macstock Conference & Expo 2015, Dave highlights some of his favorite moments of tech support while focusing on a few key steps that can ensure a pleasant experience for all.

*Bonus* 5 Minutes of “Stump the Geek”!