Beginning the Journey Down the Road to Macstock 2019

Chuck Joiner once again treats us to a behind the scenes look at Macstock, it’s presenters, and sponsors in his special MacVoices video series, The Road to Macstock!

We kick off this year’s Road to Macstock with organizer Mike Potter’s discussion off this year’s theme of “Create!”, a review of the events and activities associated with Macstock, and all the reasons you should plan to join us in Woodstock IL for one of the year’s best Apple-oriented conferences. Early Bird pricing is in effect, so don’t wait.


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Welcome to Macstock 2019!

Woodstock Willie and JanetIt was just over a week ago that Woodstock’s famous groundhog, Woodstock Willie, predicted an early Spring, and while that’s fantastic news for those of us who’ve been frozen over and buried neck deep in snow the past month or so, it’s even better news for me, because that’s 6 weeks closer to Summer and Summer…means Macstock!

I can’t believe this will be our 5th year of Macstock! And with everything we’ve got planned this July, I can prognosticate a little myself (sorry Willie) and confidently predict that our tradition of getting better and better each year will come true once again!

You’ll just need to wait a little longer than 6 weeks.

But that’s okay! Because, even before we’ve announced our first round of speakers (look for that announcement soon), we’ve not only added the return of Tim & Guy’s MyMac Game Show, but also a very special LIVE broadcast of Mac Power Users episode 500(!!) hosted by David Sparks & Stephen Hackett, PLUS the first ever Macstock Short Film Fest with YOU as the star!

Toss in two great days of presentations and Barry’s Midwest Mac Mingle evening events, and you’ve got a weekend that can’t be missed!

AND, if that’s not enough, Early Bird Tickets are now on sale for a rock-bottom $70 OFF your 2-Day Weekend Pass! But our Early Bird sale only lasts so long, so if you’re planning to join us July 27 & 28, be sure to get your tickets and book your room today!

Did I mention?
Macstock 2019’s Theme is CREATE!

What does it mean to be “creative”? It’s much more than you think!

When you attend Macstock 2019, you’ll hear community-leading experts share innovative new ways to accomplish tasks, save time, and express yourself creatively while getting the most from your Apple devices and apps!

Join us at Macstock 2019 and learn how a little creativity might improve your daily life!

Macstock 2018: Important Schedule Changes

I have a couple important scheduling changes you may want to be aware of if you’re attending Macstock 2018 in person this year:

First up, we have a topic change for Sunday’s schedule from presenter, Allison Sheridan. But the new topic she’s bringing to the schedule is a great one: Mind Map Your Way to Productivity. In this pair of talks, Allison will walk you through the basic concepts of Mind Maps and share examples of some of her mind maps to help trigger ideas for how you can use them to help you be more productive. She’ll continue exploring Mind Maps by going hands-on with with her favorite mind mapping application in her afternoon Deeper Dive!

The other major scheduling change is extending Sunday’s schedule by 1/2 hour! Macstock 2018 will now officially end at 6:30p on Sunday the 22nd.

Try as we might, we just couldn’t contain the awesomeness of this year’s presentations and McHenry County College graciously allowed all of us to stay an extra 30 minutes Sunday night so we can wrap things up properly.

I do realize some of you may be counting on the conference ending at six for your travel plans, so please rest assured that I am doing as much as possible to shift things around so that you’ll miss very little of our program’s highlights if you absolutely must leave before we draw to a close this year. One change will be to shift the Newton documentary start time a bit and push the movie’s Q&A with director, Noah Leon, to the 6:10-6:30 time slot. If you can stay, you definitely won’t want to miss the Q&A, but if you have to leave, at least you can catch the flick!

View the full schedule here

Can’t Make it to Macstock in Person? Try a Digital Pass!

From the fantastic talks, to discovering new tips and tricks while chatting around the lunch table, to meeting up with great friends old and new, there’s nothing like being at Macstock in person! And we still have plenty of tickets available if you’d like to join us for the biggest and best Macstock yet — including the Theatrical World Premiere of the new documentary, Love Notes to Newton!

But I’ve heard from a few of you that while you REALLY wish you could make it to Macstock in person, it’s just not going to work to attend this year for personal, professional, or other reasons. So, I put on my thinking cap and after a couple weeks of planning, came up with a brand new ticket — just for YOU!

This new ticket is called the “Macstock Digital Pass” and with it, you’ll gain access to video recordings of the keynote, all morning sessions, and all main stage Deeper Dive sessions just a few short weeks after Macstock ends! (plus maybe some exclusive bonuses we sprinkle in here and there) And you can watch it all from the comfort of your…well, wherever your Mac or iPad takes you!

Like I said, it’s not quite the same as being there (and being at Macstock is pretty awesome), but it’s the next best thing to seeing all of this year’s wonderful speakers in person! If you’d like to learn more about Macstock 2018’s Digital Pass, check it out here! MyMac Macstock Talk 2018 with Guy, Gaz, Barry, and Mike

Great to be on the Podcast with Guy and Gaz to talk Macstock 2018 and give a sneak peek of everything heading your way at Macstock and Barry’s Midwest Mac Mingle 2018!

Getting excited about Macstock 2018? The GMen are and they dragged…INVITED Mike Potter and Barry Fulk who just happen to be the driving force behind Macstock on to the podcast to talk about what’s going on this year. They also consented (not forced!) to being on video, so you can actually WATCH too!


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