Dave Hamilton: How to Give and Receive Tech Support – The Human Angle

We all either give or receive tech support (or both) as a matter of course in our daily lives. During these interactions it’s easy to lose the human element. In Dave Hamilton’s thirty-plus years of both giving and receiving tech support he’s learned a few things about how those interactions can be good… or bad. At Macstock Conference & Expo 2015, Dave highlights some of his favorite moments of tech support while focusing on a few key steps that can ensure a pleasant experience for all.

*Bonus* 5 Minutes of “Stump the Geek”!

Julie Kuehl: Life as a Digital Nomad

Mac laptops are powerful enough that many people use them as their desktop machine. But when in their native environment – a coffee shop or backpack – a few adjustments might be needed.

At Macstock Conference & Expo 2015, Julie Kuehl talks about what apps, habits, equipment are suited to life on the road.
