by Mike | Feb 5, 2018 | Macstock News, Meet the Speaker
We’ve got a couple really cool new things in store for you at Macstock 2018!
With a theme centered around Productivity in 2018, one of those new additions I’m excited to share with you is that for the first time, Macstock will have a featured Keynote Speaker! And this year’s keynote presenter is Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus!
Often referred to as “Dr. Mac,” Bob is a leading authority on the Macintosh, Mac OS X / macOS, and other Apple products such as the iPad and iPhone. One of the Apple community’s most trusted gurus for over twenty-five years, he’s known for his trademark humorous style and unerring ability to translate “techie” jargon into usable and fun advice for regular folks.
by Mike | Jun 16, 2015 | Meet the Speaker
In the weeks leading up to Macstock 2015, we’ll be running a series of quick interviews with each of the presenters of this year’s Macstock Conference & Expo called Meet the Speaker.
Today we’re meeting Dave Ginsburg, the President of The Northwest of Us a leading Apple User Group within the Chicagoland area.
NWOU Website:
Why do you use a Mac?
I enjoy the interface and ease of use. Plus it has a lot fewer issues compared to a Windows machine.
What would you say to someone to convince them to come to Macstock?
Come out to learn and enjoy meeting people who are passionate about Macs. Meet Mac podcasters and others in the Mac community.
by Mike | Jun 5, 2015 | Meet the Speaker
In the weeks leading up to Macstock 2015, we’ll be running a series of quick interviews with each of the presenters of this year’s Macstock Conference & Expo called Meet the Speaker.
Today we’re meeting Tim Robertson, the founder of, the Stoplight Network, and TechFan. He is an early pioneer in electronic and online publishing, and was one of the first podcasters in the world.
TechFan Podcast:
Why do you use a Mac?
More intuitive than Windows. Less hassle, and more “get work done” with the Mac.
What would you say to someone to convince them to come to Macstock?
Be a part of something new, something fun, and something different! It’s a chance to meet like-minded Mac users, make new friends, and meet some of your favorite Podcasters in person.
by Mike | Jun 2, 2015 | Meet the Speaker
In the weeks leading up to Macstock 2015, we’ll be running a series of quick interviews with each of the presenters of this year’s Macstock Conference & Expo called Meet the Speaker.
Today we’re meeting Julie Kuehl, a freelance WordPress developer, Harley rider, and one of the co-hosts of the SciFi Tech Talk Podcast.
Julie’s Site:
SciFi Tech Talk:
Why do you use a Mac?
Is this a rhetorical question?!
OK, I started using Macs because of podcasts. GarageBand was the killer app that brought me into the fold. Once I made the switch – and I do remember the confusion of that process (what no backspace delete?!) – I couldn’t stomach Windows machines any longer. It’s really hard to give specifics and put it into words, but it boils down to user experience and design. And some really cool apps.
What would you say to someone to convince them to come to Macstock?
Mac … Stock.
I mean seriously, what more needs to be said?
I’ve always said there’s a lot of similarities between the Apple community and the Harley community. Macstock is the makings of the Sturgis for the Apple world. Minus burnouts and Jager shots (unless you want to).
by Mike | May 29, 2015 | Meet the Speaker
In the weeks leading up to Macstock 2015, we’ll be running a series of quick interviews with each of the presenters of this year’s Macstock Conference & Expo called Meet the Speaker.
Today we’re meeting Chuck Joiner, the “voice” of MacVoices, MacVoicesTV, MacNotables and The MacJury.
Why do you use a Mac?
To do the very best work I can with the least amout of hassle with the tech.
What would you say to someone to convince them to come to Macstock?
Great information, great speakers, great people. Why *wouldn’t* you come?
by Mike | May 26, 2015 | Meet the Speaker
In the weeks leading up to Macstock 2015, we’ll be running a series of quick interviews with each of the presenters and attendees of this year’s Macstock Conference & Expo.

Come meet the real Gaz at Macstock!
There wouldn’t be a “Guy & Gaz” at MyMac without Gaz, so today we’re meeting Gazmaz, Mac user since 2006, frequent contributor to For Mac Eyes Only, and one of the co-hosts of the Podcast.
MyMac Podcast:
For Mac Eyes Only:
Why do you use a Mac?
Because I became feed up of being the administrator for the Windows box that we owned, plus I had a horrific failure which if I hadn’t been as geeky as I had been I’d have lost a load of personal data, mainly photo’s. I was though extremely hesitant at first because I thought that I’d miss ‘getting my hands dirty’ by getting into the machine, how wrong I was with the older Mac Mini’s. Not so much now of course, but that means I get to play with all that great software.
What would you say to someone to convince them to come to Macstock?
If you listen to any Mac podcast, or if you have had any interaction with the wonderful Mac community, this will be about the only opputunity, now that Macworld has gone, to meet a wonderful group of people. Although you can avoid me if you want to 🙂