by Mike | Jun 19, 2015 | Sponsor Spotlight
It won’t be long now until you can finally start taking control of your RAW photos and better manage your image library with your complimentary copy of Corel’s AfterShot 2. If you’re serious about your photos and photography, you should know that this is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to working with and organizing your library. But if you’re already getting AfterShot, should you really be thinking about an upgrade to AfterShot Pro? In our final post for our Macstock 2015 series, we’re here to tell you the answer is unequivocally, “YES!”
AfterShot is an amazing photo-editing program, specifically designed to get you started with RAW image-editing and photo management and it has some truly incredible features (you can learn more about AfterShot in Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 of our series). But if you’re not a newbie to RAW or you already have a huge photo collection that needs taming, it’s time for us to tell you more about AfterShot Pro 2.
by Mike | Jun 19, 2015 | Sponsor Spotlight
By Alex Brazeau
Hi again Macstock-ers,
If you’ve been following our multi-part series here as part of this year’s conference, you’ll know that speed to results is a major focus of the AfterShot team. It’s our mission to get you in and out of AfterShot as quickly as possible, with stunning results. If you’re among the first 200 people registered for Macstock 2015, you will receive a faster way to work with your photos – Corel AfterShot 2.
Here’s a little something that will help you get going even faster in AfterShot 2. Download this helpful Keyboard Shortcut Map for Mac, print it out, and pin it up next to your workstation to help you cut down on clicks while you’re editing.
Check out Part 1 or Part 2 of our Macstock blog series, to learn more about Corel AfterShot 2.
Click the image to Download your AfterShot 2 Keyboard Shortcut Map (PDF) for Mac Now!

by Mike | Jun 17, 2015 | Sponsor Spotlight
By Alex Brazeau
Hey Mackstock-ers,
Photo editing on the Mac is changing—and the change has just begun! With the recent debut of Photos and its planned addition of extensions, it’s an interesting time for photographers to be on the Mac. Now that Part 1 of our series has familiarized you with AfterShot 2, Part 2 sees us talking to Greg Wood, Corel’s Senior Product Director for photo software, about photography on the Mac, and why you should consider jumping to AfterShot to help take your photo-game to the next level.
So, Greg, tell me a little bit about AfterShot … how did it come about?
AfterShot is Corel’s photo workflow software. It joined the well-known PaintShop Pro (a Windows photo-editing software) in our photo lineup a few years ago when we saw a need for something different to address the huge numbers of photos being shot by both professionals and enthusiasts—a trend that’s only grown since that time.
AfterShot and AfterShot Pro, the professional edition of the app, are designed to make it incredibly fast to edit and manage all of your photos. It’s well suited to the task: AfterShot Pro is easily the highest-performance RAW software available anywhere.