Macstock 2015 Round Table: Hosted by Tim Robertson

At Macstock Conference & Expo 2015, Tim Robertson hosts Macstock’s panel of speakers in a round table discussion in which they share a bit of their background in podcasting as well as their history with Apple products. Followed by a brief Q&A from the audience.

Mike & Barry Launch Road to Macstock 2016 on MacVoices #16087!

Buckle Up and get ready for Road to Macstock 2016 with Chuck Joiner on this new episode of MacVoices!

We start a new series to celebrate and support Macstock Conference & Expo and The Midwest Mac BBQ with a visit by Mike Potter and Barry Fulk, the organizers of the two events. This year, they have combined to create a great weekend of tech education and socialization in the Chicago suburbs. Mike and Barry discuss why this year attending both events will be even easier, why it is now a two-day conference, and the roster of speakers. Everything attendees loved about last year’s event is back, and more. Find out why you need to be making your plans to attend now.


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10 Terminal Tips: Commands Covered

Below are the terminal commands covered in Mike’s 10 Terminal Tips for Mac Users talk at Macstock 2015!

Reveal Hidden files in the Finder:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder

Select Text in Quick Look:

defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder

Enable Key Repeat (Allison’s Twitter Question):

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

OWC Radio #40 Talks Macstock with Mike

owc_radio_album_artThanks to Tim Robertson for having me on!

A full show this episode as OWC Radio host Tim Robertson has two guest. First up is Mike Potter to talk about the upcoming Macstock Conference and Expo happening on June 20th, 2015. OWC is a sponsor of Macstock, and will recording an OWC Radio from the show! On the second half of this episode we talk to James Gregson about Gregson Studios, his family history in business, and of course the dreaded Three Random Questions!


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MacVoices Features Macstock and MWMacBBQ!

MacVoicesMacstock 2015 featured on MacVoices #15117!

Barry Fulk, the host of the Midwest Mac BBQ, and Mike Potter, the organizer behind the MacStock Conference & Expo, both in Chicago, talk about the genesis of their events, why they decided to combine them, and what you can expect to see, hear and eat when you attend.


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