What’s YOUR Reason to Come to Macstock This Year?

You’ve told your friends and family about Macstock, but now’s your chance to tell the world! If you’ve been to Macstock and would like to help convince others to join you at Macstock 2017, fire up QuickTime or your favorite video recording app and shoot a quick headshot video highlighting your top reason(s) to come to Macstock!

Some ideas might include:
Why should people come to Macstock?
My favorite thing about Macstock is…
The thing I’m most looking forward to at Macstock 2017 is…

Be creative! Be fun! But most of all, let folks know why Macstock is the place to be this summer!

Once completed, be sure to send me a link (via Dropbox, Google Drive, etc) where I can download your video and I’ll get it posted to the Macstock YouTube channel, Twitter, Facebook, and other places to help promote Macstock 2017!

Looking for inspiration? Check out this video by Lisa!

Hotel Room Blocks Closing in June!

If you’re from out of town and planning to stay near Macstock, you’ll want to reserve your room before the blocks close in June!

The following are the final dates to reserve a room at the discounted block rates set up for Macstock attendees:

Holiday Inn Crystal Lake: June 2, 2017
Hampton Inn of McHenry: June 14, 2017
The Comfort Inn of Crystal Lake: June 24, 2017

For more Hotel information, please visit our Lodging Page!

What Is The Macstock Swap Trading Zone?

Macstock Swap Trading ZoneDo you have Apple products lying around you’re not using?

How about old books or software?

Have you ever wanted to drop off a bunch of old Apple-related stuff … and pick up a bunch of old Apple-related stuff from others in trade?

If that sounds like you, help your old Apple things find a new home at the Macstock Swap Trading Zone!
